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Dr Eng. Beata Nienartowicz
Warsaw University of Technology
Preparation of investments for trenchless pipeline renovation – selected issues

The presentation will outline selected issues related to the preparation of trenchless pipeline renovation projects at the pre-tender stage. The entire process will be discussed, from the analysis of the material from the visual inspection and defining the scope of the task, to the specification of functional and operational parameters. Particular attention will be paid to the issues related to the proper recognition of the case real needs  and the adaptation of the requirements defined in the tender documentation.

A graduate and former long-term employee of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Wrocław University of Technology. Currently, an assistant professor at the Faculty of Building Installations, Hydrotechnics and Environmental Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology. Experienced operator and supervisor of the Mobile Laboratory of Underground Infrastructure of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology Citites. In her professional work, she deals with the broadly understood subject of trenchless renovation of pipelines. Her key focus is on increasing efficiency in planning, designing and formal preparation of trenchless renovations. She is the author of several national and international publications as well as an authorized and active designer.

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