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Have you built an extraordinary construction?
Maybe a trenchless rehabilitation worth noticing?
Your products, devices or technologies are innovative?


Let others know about it – apply for the competition EXPERT 2023!

During the conference, there will be awarded the EXPERT 2023 Awards. The statuettes are awarded to companies acting in the field of trenchless technologies for the innovations they made in the products as well as in technology for trenchless installation or rehabilitation of underground pipelines. The Committee and the Jury are composed of representatives of the broadly understood trenchless technology industry - practitioners and experts, representatives of industry organizations and authorities of the scientific community. The statuettes are awarded in recognition of realized innovative projects and products introduced to the market of the trenchless industry.


  1. Trenchless installation in 2022–2023,
  2. Trenchless rehabilitation in 2022–2023,
  3. The innovative solutions in the range of devices, products or technology used for trenchless installation or rehabilitation as well as for diagnostics of underground pipelines in 2022–2023.


  • application is free of charge,
  • the competition is open only for the companies participating in the conference NO-DIG POLAND 2023,
  • companies and institutions may enter the applications on their own behalf only,
  • an extended description of the project/product should be attached to the application; photos, drawings, project/product technical data; justification proving innovation, unusual solutions used, etc. of the project/product; references (at least one), opinions, technical approvals,
  • the application and attachments should be sent by 8th September 2023 (electronic version only).


The originator of the EXPERT statuette is prof. dr hab. Eng. Andrzej Kuliczkowski. Its head symbolizes a head used in trenchless pipeline construction, its body is shaped like a drill, and the arms surrounding it make up half of the pipe's circumference. The figure shown on the statuette is anchored in an open book with the inscription Kielce University of Technology and PFTT, which is to emphasize the importance of knowledge about trenchless technologies. The statuette was made by Sławomir Micek, a sculptor, a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. The statuette is made of bronze.


Dr Eng. Justyna Lisowska
e-mail: justyna@tu.kielce.pl